Sunday, August 19, 2007


A few weeks ago I read a book called "Who moved my cheese” it was an awesome (quick) read that helped me get excited about this major change in my life. Not that I was excited about this change, but it made me realize how much better off I would be if I looked at this change with a positive & good attitude. And for the exciting news…drum roll… Brrr I have moved to UTAH!!!!! I am so excited to be here and start the next adventure in my life. I will be going to school at night and working during the day. I don’t have a job yet so if anyone knows of a fun job in Provo let me know. I will be living with Camille Pearce and Lauren Bluth. I grew up living around the corner from Camille and we were roommates for a year before I got married and I love her to pieces! Lauren is from Mesa as well but I have never met her but, I have heard tons of great things about her. We will be living in a little townhouse in south Provo. I look forward to the fun times that are ahead.

Here are some pictures of my new beautiful/amazing/fun/talented/awesome roomates ;)
Camille is in the first 2 (blue shirt)and the last one is Lauren.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

I LoVe California

I had the opportunity to go to California and have a girls week with Melissa (Lundquist). I love her to pieces and I am so glad that she invited me to come spend a much needed, fun filled week. She was so sweet and even found a few different places for us to stay that didn’t have cats or dogs. (I am allergic to them) We had a blast shopping, going to the beach, eating out, having a bonfire, cruising down PCH & singing at the top of our lungs, talking all night, spending time with great friends & her family. I Love the Lundquist family and I want them to adopt me as their 4th daughter. Thanks Melissa for the fabulous week! You are the best!

The first two nights we stayed with Tristen Ure. She is so fun and has the cutest place. She really is the hostess with the mostess ;)
Tristen Ure the great

We went to Islands with Syd and Elise

Wahoos Candy store ; )

Old mans beach
Melissa, Me, Elise
Me & Elise
San Diego Temple

Hanging out at the Bean's house

me, syd, caitlin, melissa ,elise, landon

the Everson's guest house... so cute!

Friday, August 3, 2007

Friends are like boogers!

Wednesday night the Scarbrough’s had us over for a BBQ at there house! It was so fun to see some of my greatest friends there. I love Sister Scarbrough, she was like my 2nd mom in high school. She is the greatest. When we were in high school the Scarbroughs would take us to the lake all the time. The summer before our senior year I got to go with them to Lake Powell with 7 other friends. It was a blast, and while we were at the BBQ we watched the video that Burkley made of our trip. It was hilarious to see how young we all looked and how we acted. It was fun to finally meet Collin’s fiancé, she is adorable and they are so cute together. Stacey and Georgie are both having babies and they are due one week apart, they both look so cute pregnant.
I loved seeing everyone, friends are just the best.

Stacey, Ryan, Georgie, Tim, Burkley, Steph, Audrey, Collin, Ashley, Sarah Kim, John, Suzi, David, Gavin

Georgie, Steph, Kim, Sarah, Stacey

Sarah, Steph, Sister S.

Steph, Stacey, Kim, Suzi, Georgie
Thursday night I went to dinner with Stef, Sarah and Brooke at the Wildflower bread company it was so fun. The food was really yummy and it was fun to get updates from everyone. I am so lucky to know such great girls! Later that night I went the sneak peak of Bourne Ultimatum, with Thomas and Stef. I LOVED the movie, it was awesome. I would recommend seeing it if you haven’t yet.

Sarah, Brooke, Stef, Steph