Wednesday night the Scarbrough’s had us over for a BBQ at there house! It was so fun to see some of my greatest friends there. I love Sister Scarbrough, she was like my 2nd mom in high school. She is the greatest. When we were in high school the Scarbroughs would take us to the lake all the time. The summer before our senior year I got to go with them to Lake Powell with 7 other friends. It was a blast, and while we were at the BBQ we watched the video that Burkley made of our trip. It was hilarious to see how young we all looked and how we acted. It was fun to finally meet Collin’s fiancé, she is adorable and they are so cute together. Stacey and Georgie are both having babies and they are due one week apart, they both look so cute pregnant.
I loved seeing everyone, friends are just the best.
Stacey, Ryan, Georgie, Tim, Burkley, Steph, Audrey, Collin, Ashley, Sarah Kim, John, Suzi, David, Gavin
Georgie, Steph, Kim, Sarah, Stacey

Sarah, Steph, Sister S.

Steph, Stacey, Kim, Suzi, Georgie
Thursday night I went to dinner with Stef, Sarah and Brooke at the
Wildflower bread company it was so fun. The food was really yummy and it was fun to get updates from everyone. I am so lucky to know such great girls! Later that night I went the sneak peak
of Bourne Ultimatum, with Thomas and Stef. I LOVED the movie, it was awesome. I would recommend seeing it if you haven’t yet.

Sarah, Brooke, Stef, Steph