I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas this year! I love being able to reflect on the Saviors birth and celebrate it with good friends and family. Here are a few updates from the last month.
The greatest part of the holidays is being with family! I love my family so much and had the greatest Christmas ever! Thanks mom & dad for all the hard work that you put in to make Christmas awesome. I loved being able to play with my niece Eliza and nephew Nicholas. They are at such a fun age and do so many cute things.
This year all the kids bought my dad the leg lamp from the movie
"The Christmas Story" it was so fun to see his face when he opened it. We made him put it in our front window... there has been quite a few honks and people stopping to take a picture of it... we love it ;)

I also went to the Ashman Christmas party! It was great, every year they play some type of game and each person on the winning team gets $150. I was lucky enough to be on the winning team this year! I love working for Ashman dental, they have an awesome staff and great patients.